Fair Trade certified growers Organic Handling: USDA NOP Certified Organic Handling: CFIA COR Certified (Canadian Organic Regime) EU Organic: Organic Farmers and Growers (OF&G) Certified Food Safety: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points Program AVENDRA, Quality Assurance Supplier Audit Food Security: C-TRAT Customs Trade Canadian Food Inspection Agency Social Ethos: Ethical Tea Partnership

Our Tea House WISE TEA GARDEN® specializes in deluxe quality Whole Leaf Teas, Herbs, Tea Spices, and Organic non-GMO Foods. All tea products we sell are certified in Canada and meet EU / Canada / USA / Japan specifications for agricultural inputs, and Fair Trade certified.

All organic teas are HACCP, NOP, COR and/or EU Organic certified, and lab-tested. Packed at a HACCP certified facility in Canada. Canadian Food Safe guaranteed, Fair Trade and ETP certified.

There are more than 150 varieties of whole leaf teas and tea blending components in our inventory. Raw Tea Origins: The world's most experienced, safest, reputable and ethical estates of Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Java, Kenya, Nepal, India, China and South Africa. Coffee Beans are originated from East Africa and South America. In our Maple Sugar Bakery, we post our recipes.

Brands we carry: Anita's Organic Mill®, Camino®, Maison Orphée®, Mount Hagen®, BioItalia®, Bob's Red Mill®, The Ginger People®, Chosen Foods®, Simply Organic®, ChocoSol®, Manitoba Harvest®, Wholesome®, Dutchman's Gold®, Prana®, and many others.


Please use Distilled demineralized water to brew your favourite beverage.

🌼 Expire dates for all Teas and Herbs are between
2029-2037 guaranteed.

SHANGRILA ICED OOLONG: This incredibly fine Oolong is plucked between 4 am and 8 am in the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian when frost is heavy and the buds had become frozen. Available at
WiseTeaGarden.com »

  To be invoiced for INTERAC e-transfer (CAD$) please email your order to sales@imrsheep.com »














Before you start to brew a tea purchased at our shop, please check the recommendations printed on the packing bag of each tea. They are specific to each variety, including water temperature and hot /iced brewing methods. For the best aroma and inviting colour of your cup we strongly recommend the use of distilled demineralized water, or at least freshly boiled filtered water, which doesn't contain a large addition of fluoride and has pH 7 or more (alkaline). Do not boil the same water twice.
Do not wash inner parts of a teapot with any soap.
Store your teas in glass containers with a tight closer, in cool place and away from direct light, to maintain their freshness, full body, and aroma.
How To Brew: Heat water to boiling. Warm the teapot or an individual cup with a small amount of hot water. Toss out this water and then add the tea leaves to the teapot or cup. Pour boiling water over the tea ( for some teas, if recommended, cool the boiling water for a minute before brewing ). Enjoy your tea time!




Recipe © Wise Tea Garden®

To make the most delicious Turkish Coffee, we would recommend to use Medium Roast Organic Beans. You will also need distilled water, a small copper cezve (1 cup - 250ml), Organic Maple sugar (optional) and ground organic cardamom.

1. Put 25 g of freshly and finely ground coffee in cezve. Add 10 ml of Maple sugar (optional) and a pinch (2g) of ground organic cardamom.
2. Add 200 ml of fresh cold distilled water (the water should be fresh, not boiled previously). Stir well for a minute or so.
3. Put cezve on a stove and heat slowly (on a medium heat, for about 4-5 min). As soon as starts to boil, remove from heat and stir a little bit, very gently.
4. Heat again. As soon as just start to boil - remove from heat. Stir gently. And one more time: Heat, remove, and finally pour into a cup(s) - please don't stir this time!
5. Cover the cup(s) with a saucer, let it brew a bit more for about 2 minutes.

Enjoy one of the most awesome coffee in the world!




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